
Friday, April 10, 2020

Heal Yourself to Heal the World

Friends, we are all going through the worst crisis history has ever witnessed, the whole world is suffering, day by day the pandemic corona virus  spreading its tentacles, choking and killing thousands and thousands of people across globe, life has come to stand still, with no sign of abatement and there is no solution at sight. Humanity is in distress.
Economy is collapsing globally, many nations like the US , UK, Italy, and Iran have just kneeled down and lost hope ( they have put up a brave front and are still fighting the war ceaselessly). India with its mighty power and resolve to fight, putting its best effort to ward off the disease. We have two major challenges at hand, to stop virus spreading and revive the economic situation which is already reeling under pressure. If both continue unchecked for some time, we will land  up in a big crisis, we don't know what the future holds for us.
Well, you don't have to lose hope,  Mantra is “THIS TOO SHALL PASS”  nothing will last forever, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but the trail of destruction it leaves will take some time for us to reconstruct emotionally and economically, certainly we will bounce back, it's just a matter of time. 
When you look at it from a spiritual perspective, nature is doing a  balancing act and trying to change things radically. When a change happens at a fundamental level, things will move topsy turvy and you experience intense turbulence, the  boat rocks several times before it is anchored. We have no control on that, we can only hope and pray for things to get normal. 
In the midst of crisis, we are constantly living in fear of uncertainty and fear for loved ones. Psychological trauma, hardship one has to go through is unprecedented and there is an information overload by TV channels. Switch on any channel, you will be bombarded with pandemic news and added to that experts'  are not so expert, but  turn out weird speculations about the grim situation. All these things build up the stress and worries and ultimately it affects your health.
What we can do at this juncture is to wait patiently, never lose hope and pray. However, there is one more important thing we can do: to heal ourselves. As mentioned earlier, every day, every moment we are encountering stressful situations, it will affect  physical and mental health badly. We need to work on this aspect and keep ourselves healthy.
Healing is bodys’ way of repairing the damaged cells and restoring health from  diseases. We all have the natural healing process within our body, an auto healing mechanism, but at times we have to supplement and accelerate the healing process through certain sadhanas or techniques to overcome acute and chronic stress.
It is just not the body alone, mind is connected in the process, its Mind-Body connection. It means our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitude can affect our biological functions positively or negatively depending on the intensity of emotions you carry.
Process of self-healing involves the mind-body complex. Tune in to the needs of body and mind, work coherently. Mind is the battlefield, all problems start from there, mind harbours  fears, worries, doubts, criticism, anger, frustration and obsessive thoughts. So we need to take care of our mind.

Highlighted below are a few of my thoughts. Start practicing and you will see amazing results.

a.      When we know that we cannot do much about the situation, the first thing is to accept it as it is. This will calm our mind, and enables you to think better and plan future action.
b.   Just be in the present." here and now": do'n't get swayed by speculations of experts, never assume the future is bleak. We really do not know what awaits us tomorrow. Think positive and look for an opportunity. As saying goes " with every adversity there comes an opportunity". You may be spinned into higher possibilities in life, please be optimistic.
c.  Insulate yourself from all the negativity(negative people, news and thoughts....). This will have a positive effect on your health and thought process.
  1. Listen to good music and read motivational books has power to reduce the stress and help you relax by releasing neurotransmitters. 

  1. Focus on breathing, daily do simple pranayama, and least keep aside 30 to 40 minutes.

  1. Self-healing technique: keep one palm on your head and other on your naval portion, close your eyes and chant OM for 21 times and swap the hand and repeat OM for 21 times. This is a very effective healing method and it builds immunity and brings calmness to your mind.

  1. One more effective healing method is: Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, pray for the cosmos to send the healing light. Visualize the light entering your body through Head ( Bramharandra). Take the light to every portion of the body and feel the healing effect and the energy. This method has immense benefits on your health.

  1. Go for guided meditation ( a lot of stuff available on youtube) this helps you relax deeply, in this state body re-balances and accelerates the healing process.

  1. Sleep and Diet: Sleep adequately and if you sleep less, it will weaken the body immune system. Pay attention to your food habits, healthy eating and nutrient-rich diet enhance the self-healing process.
There are many methods recommended for deep healing. If you practice and make it a daily routine, the above mentioned points, you will realize the benefits very soon. You can move to the next level of healing process in later stages.

Stay calm during the crisis, everything happens for a reason, it may not be revealed to us now. When we come out of this, we realize the purpose of the whole event.
Stay calm, Stay at home and Stay safe…...


  1. Lovely thoughts Srikanth, specially that everything happens for a reason, that is so true. Ideal steps to follow in this crisis- Seema

  2. Healing ourselves is as important as having our food daily.Prevention is always better to be prepared for the worst situation. Self healing methods or practices given by Srikanth are very effective and doable.Healing gives an inner stability to keep ourselves unperturbed from external influences.
    Healing practices boost our belief system and strengthen us with the confidence to keep us in momentum.
    Very aptly written for the current situation.
    Good luck 👍

  3. Thank you so much Dr.Sarvamangala
